We’ve always taught our children to apply themselves to a given task with intensity and purpose. This sometimes sees them succeed and other times sees a result such as the image below.

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Yes, this is Miss A’s x-ray of her hand. Whilst playing softball, she slid into third base, doing an avoidance slide, and caught her thumb the wrong way on the base. The result was a nasty thumb dislocation. We have to go to a SportsMed today or tomorrow so that they can assess the hand and see if there is been much ligament damage. The downer about it all is that she has another Open Women’s Tournament in 4 weeks, heading straight into the U/19 Tournament. This is her last year in U/19 and she really wanted to do well. She is also Captain of this team. She’d hate to miss out on playing, so we are praying for a miracle. If you would like to join us in prayer, we would be appreciative.

Oh yes… she was safe at 3rd   😉