Seventeen years ago my life drastically changed…all with two little words…but oh, so much more than words.

“I do”

The commitment that goes with those words is life changing…breath-taking..awesome.

I studied a man on Saturday…looked deep into his face and saw the lines around his eyes, the greying hair and other things that tell of the passing years. But I didn’t see that…instead I saw a man who has accepted me wholeheartedly. A man who would lay down his life for me, who has given up some of his dreams in order to provide for me; a man who has stood by me and continually thinks of my welfare. A man whom I’ve shared both tears and laughter with, angry words and forgiving words…has been there like no-one else ever has for me. Deep, true and honest love welled inside of me at recalling memories of my husband.

Yet, I was also reminded that there is One who knows even more of me…who has had to forgive more and sacrifice more for me. He bought me at a great price…who rescued me even when I didn’t realise that I needed it. He completely gave of Himself, emptied Himself so that I could be *His*. What great and glorious love is this…that I might live in Him.

Thank you Lord, thank you for marriage and the picture of You that it is. Thank you for loving me completely and the great sacrifice you made to make me yours.Thank you for making me your *beloved*.