Exercise Journal from4th – 9th May

Mon: Attempted Billy Blanks Basic Bootcamp. Ain’t nothing basic about it. Good, hard fun. (Didn’t use resistance bands)
Wed: Basic Bootcamp.
Fri: 20min High Intensity Interval Workout on bike

Ugh, felt good on Monday…a little stiff on Tuesday but I was feeling ridiculously stiff by Wednesday. I really needed to do some basic treadmill/bike/stretching on the Tuesday.

Wednesday was good- Bill Blanks (BB) is tough but very good for the WHOLE body. of course, I look like a frog in a blender but no one sees me so it’s all good.

Friday was ok. didn’t feel like doing anything but pushed myself to do the bike. Bike is good but not as total body as BB.

This is Wk 3 of my Fit n 40 Quest. In Wk 5 I might go back to aiming for 4 workouts a week- even if it is just walking or bike.

All in all, a good week. Haven’t weighed in- not going to. Too negative. But my body has felt good and John commented that I even seem to be carrying my self better- better posture.