The Messianic Seder

There are no set rules for the basic order of the seder. Just like with Thanksgiving dinner, traditions vary among families. In this chapter is an example of:

1.) a very simple seder with no specific readings.

2.) a traditional seder outline. This outline consists of eighteen traditional steps you can adapt for your family.

3.) an easy-to-use twenty-four page step-by-step Haggadah* (you may reproduce for your family’s use) that explains just what to say for each blessing as you pour the wine, when to eat and drink, and a list of the Bible verses to read. The leader simply reads aloud the text from the gray box on each page as the rest of the group follows the directions.

4.) a basic checklist of what you need to have at (or close by) the dinner table.

The one thing you should not do is get all bound up in “doing it right” and ruin the dinner. That would defeat the purpose. Pray and trust God to lead you. Passover was reintroduced by Hezekiah in Bible times (Numbers 9). They were unable to follow every step outlined in Leviticus; however, God knew their hearts. He had grace towards them and healed their people.

*The 24 page reproducible Haggadah is included in the book A Family Guide to the Biblical Holidays.

An excellent Passover video is available from Sojourner Ministries. You can view a clip online. Click The Unleavened Messiah Video

More About Passover

Simple Seder | Traditional Seder | Seder Checklist | Jewish Customs | Ten Plagues | Other Crafts | Sheep Unit | Messiah in Passover |

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An excellent Passover video is available from Sojourner Ministries. You can view a clip online. Click The Unleavened Messiah Video

Kindly used with permission from Robin Sampson, Biblical Holidays