Tag: teens

Mother of a Prodigal

Parenting teens is exciting & adventurous to downright difficult. A time of growing & relearning for a parent. Being challenged is not always easy but always valuable. Through it we learn perspective and discernment.

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Where Are the Parents of Teens?

I often wondered why there weren’t many parents of teens around the forums. I wanted to glean from them but they often weren’t around and if they were, they didn’t seem to be talking about the same kind of homeschooling messages that I wanted to hear. Now, I think I am one of them. I love to talk and write about what we’re doing but two things roam through my head.

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Teenage Rebellion in the Homeschooling Family

Sadly, I think there is a lot of myth and fear surrounding the teen years, especially amongst home schoolers. There comes a time in everyone’s life where they start to examine and question the big issues of life: why are we here? Who put us here? What happens when we die? Our answer or thoughts to these questions make us do the things we do. This isn’t always direct rebellion, it is a natural part of a healthy life.

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Galatians Bible Study with Teens

Meaty Bible study for teens, young adults and new/young believers. This book is not devotional in nature. The concepts it deals with are meaty. But it is written in a way that even children can understand. There’s no reason not to learn doctrine when there are truth-filled, helpful books such as this. Letters to Brian & Daniel will clearly impart wisdom on the nature of God, the nature of man, the sovereignty of God, salvation, grace, faith, law and freedom.

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Training Children to Use Facebook for God's Glory

Many homeschool families do not have an issue with facebook. Their teens don’t care much for it so there’s no problem. But not all homeschoolers are like this. Some homeschool families are very much into technology and social media. However if, like me, you are going to allow your teens to be involved on facebook, this video gives some very helpful and practical tips for parents.

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