Category: Featured

Fearless Parenting

I’m not scared anymore. And it’s beautiful. Freeing. Relaxed. And joyful.Too often I tried to influence my little ones. Tried to control them. I micro-managed them. The lessons God has revealed to me have been the only thing that keep me going at times. It is not hopeless, but it isn’t just about homeschooling- it is so much bigger than that. God wants to reach you, to teach you, to blow your mind with Himself. But sometimes, like with me, He has to get some stuff out of the way so that we will listen. To parent out of freedom and grace is refreshing. It’s totally liberating!

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A Tip for Each Year of Marriage

Earlier this week, John and I celebrated our twenty-fifth wedding anniversary.  Like any married couple, we have had ups and downs, times of plenty and been in need. Also like every other couple, we have fought and cried together. Here are 25 things that I have learned and am still learning to do.

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Identity Directed Approach

Identity Directed home-based learning goes hand in hand with a Bible Based, Christ Centred approach. It simply means to teach the child with a view to his/her God given strengths, weaknesses, interest, passions, and talents… their natural bents.

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