Genesis, A Commentary for Children is part of the Herein is Love series by Nancy E. Ganz. And I really like it! 🙂

Yes, this is a Bible commentary on the whole book of Genesis, From Paradise to Promised Land – Genesis to Joshua, written to children but it isn’t dumbed down in the slightest. Even adults will learn valuable lessons and gain valuable gems from this book. I nearly cried as I read the Introduction as the author tells why and for whom she wrote this book. Even from reading the introduction I knew that this was a book that I needed to read and needed to share with my children.

This mammoth 545 page book includes 68 lessons and includes a teacher’s study guide to correspond with each lesson. The teacher guide is very similar to what I already do as she suggests the use of visual aids, memory work, craft, review questions, prayer, psalms to sing and a field trip.

This book is one part of a 4 book series that covers the four books of the Old Testament. You can see more about this series at Simply Click here. The promises of God, His promise of a Saviour, His wonderful grace, mercy and love are delightfully and truthfully told while also telling the stories of history with wonderful accuracy. Cultural and historical insight is offered throughout this doctrinally correct yet warmly written and captivating storehouse of God’s truths. It would be able to be used as part of family worship or it could be read daily by an individual student who is accustomed to reading independently.

I cannot wait to finish Genesis so we can start the next book. If you have children from 6 years and older, love the Scriptures and love to teach your children about the Scriptures, then will will want this book. Aussies can purchas at Light Educational Ministries.  Or you can buy the Herein is Love Series at

Bless you as you strive to teach the ways of God to your children.