This site contains (at the time of writing) 732 published posts and 62 published pages? That’s 794 in total. That’s over 6 years worth of writing, quoting and linking. So it stands to reason that there are many links which are broken, outdated or no longer existing. I am s-l-o-w-l-y going through the whole site and trying to correct or delete them. It’s a painful process which necessitates the consumption of ample amounts of coffee and chocolate.

In the meantime you may come across a broken link to my site and for that I apologise. However, you could use the advanced search, the site map, the articles page, the archives or subscribe to the rss feeds.  Or maybe you were looking for the free downloads? You can also contact me via email, facebook or twitter – just click on the pretty little pictures at the top of the right hand sidebar.

Please be patient. I hope to have most of the links fixed soon.