Used curriculum, books, texts and other resources can be bought, swapped or advertised at AussieHomeschool.
ADNIL PRESS – Australian publishers of Voyages in Language, Voyages in Literature; and Australian distributors for Memoria Press (Latina Christiana), Dinah Zike books, Peace Hill Press (The Well-Trained Mind, Story of the Word), Geomatters, Schonell Spelling, Child Sized Masterpieces (“Mommy, It’s a Renoir”), plus more. We are also now the sole Australian Representative for the ‘Institute for Excellence in Writing!’ Also combined with TRIVIUM-EDUCATIONAL(See Below). Contact us for a combined Adnil Press / Trivium Educational catalogue.
ALWAYS LEARNING BOOKS – Beverley Paine – Writer and publisher of home education books, unschooling and natural learning books. Now stocking books by John Holt, John Peacock, Grace Llewellyn, Linda Dobson, Mary Griffith, Ann Lahrson-Fisher, and others. Publishing Homeschool Australia e-newsletter and Unschool~Kidz! e-zine. http://www.beverleypaine.com and Always Learning Books!
Janette’s Pictures Of Australian History and timeline figures; are intended to be used, to teach Australian history. They are a series of pictures or scenes with accompanying notes and rhyme on Australia’s first 100 years of history. They are designed to create windows and hooks; windows that give you a picture of what was going on at a given time and hooks that inform and encourage children (and adults) to investigate further. http://australianhistorypictures.com
CHARIOT PRESS: Suppliers of Learning Language Arts Through Literature, The Learnables, Singapore Mathematics, Doorposts, and more.
CHRISTIAN ACADEMY OF LIFE : Christian based curriculum materials, resources and support.
CORRESPONDENCE PIANO LESSONS: This successful method uses a set of video tapes for demonstration of piano technique and normal phone calls for weekly, individual tuition with music tutor, Ruth Drew ATCL.
We are a Christian family supplying Drawn into the Heart of Reading, Bluestocking Press Economics books, Literary Lessons from the Lord of the Rings, Notgrass Exploring World History, Queen Homeschool Supplies, Pearables, and many more…
DOWNUNDER LITERATURE is run by Michelle Morrow,a homeschooling mother of four children. This publishing business provides quality science,english and history homeschooling resources written with the Australian homeschooler in mind. We have developed a few Downunder products for sale but we want to be more than that. We want to serve homeschoolers by giving access (for free when possible) to distinctly Australian and New Zealand books and resource materials.On this site you will find original products for sale and free educational resources. All our products can be found on our product list and resource index. http://www.downunderlit.com
EBENEZER BOOKS – Parrish Family
We specialise in Godly books and music for children and adults which teach and entertain while they
help to build character. We stock a large range including; fiction, biography, historical fiction and non fiction, character building & heritage story books, Bible story books, colour-in and activity books, music and more. Our books will compliment any curriculum.
GOLDEN BEETLE BOOKS – Rudolf Steiner Education and homeschooling teaching manuals.
Grammar On One Hand: A Tool Kit For Writers DVD
(88 minutes) — visit:http://www.vernaheights.com.au
FOUNTAIN RESOURCES – Australian company, specialising in homeschooling titles and Catholic books. If you are looking for a title but can not see it in their catalogue, they may be able to order it in anyway. http://www.fountainresources.com.au/
HOMESCHOOL AUSTRALIA – Beverley Paine is an Australian author, home educational consultant, and publisher of homeschooling books. She has a special interest in unschooling and natural learning, though her site includes material of interest to all Australian home educators, with information, articles, links to newsletters, and more.
http://homeschoolaustralia.beverleypaine.com/ and http://homeschoolaustralia.come/
HOME SCHOOL FAVOURITES – Catalogue put out by Mary Collis, editor of A Living Education – Resources include Usborne Books, homeschooling materials produced by Diana Waring, Cindy Rushton, Penny Gardner, Greenleaf Press, and more.
HOMESCHOOL HEAVEN – Australian suppliers of audio tapes from Jim Weiss, and modest clothing patterns from Sense and Sensibility.
Lots of hard-to-find titles! http://www.auhb.net
KINGSLEY EDUCATIONAL (KEPL) – Australian company – sells Christian text-books & other materials, (Saxon maths books and Weaver) provides assistance with home education. http://www.kepl.com.au
LEATHERWOOD BOOKS – Australian family-owned business. Catalogue includes a wonderful selection of living books.
LIGHT EDUCATIONAL MINISTRIES (LEM) Sells Christian text-books (A Beka, Bob Jones University Press, Christian Liberty Press, etc.) Provides assistance with home education. http://www.lem.com.au
MANY HOME BLESSINGS – Helping you enrich your Home-life through products and resources that encourage excellence and a return to family values.
Math-U-See Australasia– Tony & Esther White
For a free Demonstration DVD, giving an outline of the entire curriculum and philosophy behind Math-U-See phone or email:
Ph: Math-U-See products. Order from MUS website: http://mathusee.com
ST ATHANASIUS BOOKSELLERS – stockists of Catholic books
Ph 08-8345 1522
Opening hours for calling in:Thur, Fri, Sat 10.30am – 5pm.Books on homeschooling: Catholic Education-Homeward Bound; Catholic Homeschool Treasury; Catholic Homeschooling. Living history books including many mentioned in popular curriculum guides such as Greenleaf, 4 reallearning etc.
STEINER EDUCATIONAL MATERIALS and books: www.steiner-australia.org/other/bookshop.html
HEART AND HOME Mail Order – Family Resources for Building Healthy Hearts and Happy Homes. Stockists of quality reading and listening materials for young Christians, including the Miller Family Books, the Moody Family Series, and various character building and training books. Parenting and homeschooling products by the Maxwell Family, Jeff and Marge Bath and Dr S.M. Davis, and health resources such as Grain Master Whisper Mill and Easiyo Products also available at very reasonable prices. Email:sjnicholas@fastmail.fm