John pointed to Christ. Jesus is the object of belief. John’s ministry and purpose are important but he was merely the forerunner who announced the coming Messiah. Like John, we bear witness to the light but it is Christ in us which shines! Everyone that sees us – sees a few gleams of the true Light. We cannot save anyone. We can’t get them into heaven. We cannot give life. But we can point. We point the way to the lost, the dying, and the hurting. We point them to Christ: the one and only true light.
But how can we point others to Jesus? What are some practical ways in which we can bear witness to Christ? We can witness with our words. Sharing daily with our children, that which the Lord is doing and revealing to us. Telling others what He has done for us. Do you blog? Write your testimony on your blog. Always looks for ways to point others to Christ. We are often quick to share a health tip or a money saving tip with others – how about sharing The One who can guarantee eternal life? What ways can I point my children to Jesus? How can I use my time online to bear witness to Him?
We also bear witness through our lives. When we claim to be a Christian, a follower of Christ, we are His witnesses. His representatives – in word, thought and deed.
“He was not the light, but came to bear witness about the light.”