And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.
~Philippians 1:6

Throughout most of our homeschooling years I have felt ‘behind’. Not being in the school system nor of the school-at-home approach we have never believed that a child is ‘behind’ yet I put this on myself. I often felt that while others were doing ABC curriculum in Yr 8, we were starting it in Yr 9. I doubted myself and my ability and thought I was letting my children down. But I’ve learned that I didn’t let my children down.

They were learning valuable life skills. The less I do, the more they do. I don’t do anything for a child that he is able to do for himself. (Sure, there are extenuating circumstances but that’s not the point of this post.) It is empowering for a child to be able to do much for himself.

Even being left with no scheduled school work for a short time can be good. It allows the parent ascertain the maturity level of the child and the responsibility or ownership level of the child toward his lessons. Rather than see my character trait as a weakness or a flaw (which can enable the child to use it as an excuse for not getting on with things) I see it as an opportunity. The children have an opportunity to put into practice that which they have been taught!

It’s not possible nor reasonable to train or teach every child every thing they need to learn. I don’t need to do it all. Just as God is perfecting in me His work, so He is with the children. I am not perfecting them – He is. God has begun a good work in me and He will continue it until the Day of Christ.


Lord, give me the grace and strength to accept that this verse applies to my children as well as to me.


Do you doubt your ability to homeschool? Don’t worry… God will give you His grace and His strength when you ask for it and when you need it.