Happy Birthday to My Boy.

14 today!


I know you’ll hate this picture but oh well, it’s my blog so I can put it up. It’s called being a parent. 😉

When you were first born and wouldn’t wake up long enough to feed, and subsequently lost too much weight and were taken to the RAH for heart tests, I went in and stayed at the hospital praying for you all the time, while dad stayed home to look after the girls. We were so scared. On day 14 you woke up, demanded to be fed and haven’t stopped eating since! Where you put all that food has me in constant amazement.

We’ve loved getting to know you and your particular strengths and weaknesses and quirks. We love watching you grow and develop and slowly becoming a young, independent man within the home. It’s such a pleasure to watch you grow in maturity, determination and many other fine character traits. We are very proud of you and look forward to spending more time with you over the coming few years.

HaPpY 14th BiRtHdAy