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Heart of Wisdom Teaching Approach

written by Robin Sampson

The Heart of Wisdom Publishing Company is a family owned and operated business that publishes a variety of homeschool resources useful for Christian families in the training of their children. This approach uses the Bible as the centre of all education. Those who are interested in a Bible based, Delight-Directed, Note-Booking, or Charlotte Mason approaches may like these products as the author has taken the best from each approach and blended them to make the Heart of Wisdom Teaching Approach.

I have used some of the Heart of Wisdom units for a few years now but I have been most influenced by Robin’s book, ‘The Heart of Wisdom Teaching Approach‘. I have learnt that the Bible outlines how we should teach our children and that study is a form of worship. The goal of this approach is to train children to read, to study, to understand, to love to learn and, most importantly, to desire and seek true wisdom. A benefit to this approach is multi-level teaching and can be used by a mother with children of all ages. I loved ‘Educating the WholeHearted Child’ by Clay and Sally Clarkson and it provided a vision but, for me, it left out many practical how-to’s. The Heart of Wisdom Teaching Approach fully provides this yet with the expectation that each parent is to do what is right for their family.

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Section One

The Heart of Wisdom Teaching Approach is divided into several sections. Section 1 tells of the Sampson family journey from school to homeschool- various approaches and methods. The author doesn’t tell the reader how they should approach education based upon her experience, rather she sends the reader to the Scriptures to find the answers.

Section Two

Section 2 is important as it looks at the foundation of Christian education, by exploring the roots of educational methods from the past until modern times. The book also looks at the difference between Christian, Hebraic, Greek and secular worldviews and how this impacts the methods used in modern education. Great reading for new homeschoolers or veterans.

Section Three

Now knowing about why there is a need for change in the way we view education, Section 3 tells us how we can change and use different methods that encompass a Biblical worldview. Learning styles and the Four-Step approach to a lesson plan as well as talking about Charlotte Mason, Unit Studies, Delight-Directed studies and Critical Thinking and Logic are included.

Section Four

Section 4 is a large chapter, full of meaty ideas that will challenge each reader’s thinking and method. A four-year plan that can be rotated to provide a full 12 years worth of study, based upon God’s Word and World is suggested. Scrapbooking or Notebooking is encouraged – assisting children in their learning as they plan, develop, classify, categorise, construct, and organise their work. History is taught chronologically while science is taught in the order of Creation. English skills are integrated into all studies. Scheduling, planning and much more is addressed in this chapter.

Section Five

Once the educational philosophy has been addressed, a change in resources may be required. Robin doesn’t leave us floundering. In Section 5, she writes about using the HOW unit studies or devising your own and where to get the various resources from for years K-12. Science, History, Literature and Life Skill resources can be purchased from the Heart of Wisdom online Store or from your local Christian bookshop.

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Not only was I encouraged by this book but informed, refreshed and motivated to run the race. This book, this approach, is like a breath of fresh air. The book is available through a variety of means: electronic download, or bound editions. Regardless of the format, the content is excellent and I wholeheartedly recommend it for any parent, homeschool or otherwise.

Disclosure: I am compensated for purchases made via the referral links in this post.