Tag: security

Baby Photo Used in Scam

I recommend using a free or premium service like photobucket or flickr to host your photo’s as you can control the privacy settings. However, as much as many people don’t like or trust facebook, they can be used to securely (as secure as anything ever is on the Internet) host your flicks. Just remember that there are 22 privacy settings to date so be mindful to go through all your privacy settings.
If using wordpress or blogger you can also upload your photo’s but post them in a password protected post.
It may not be of great concern if your photo’s aren’t direct head shots of your children… it’s up for you to decide. But please, just be careful and deliberate about all that you do on the Internet.

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Free facebook security guide

Facebook. Love it or not… it’s here to stay. Facebook has devised a new security guide for parents, teens and educators, or everyone. It’s good to read this guide for yourself but also read it with your children. It has a lot of common sense in it- whether you use FB or not.
The free downloadable guide includes tips on how to protect your fb account, how to avoid scammers, how to use secure security settings and a whole lot more.

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