An idol is anything which displaces God in my heart. It may be something which is quite harmless in itself, yet if it absorbs me, if it be given the first place in my affections and thoughts, it becomes an ‘idol’. It may be my business, a loved one, or my service for Christ. Any one or any thing which comes into competition with the Lord’s ruling me in a practical way, is an ‘idol’.
~ A.W. Pink
Gleanings in Exodus By Arthur W. Pink
” It may be something which is quite harmless in itself, yet if it absorbs me,…”
This is so good to keep in mind Susan. Everything from my family to books to computer has potential to become an idol. “Thou shalt have no other gods before me.”
Oh ain’t that the truth Ruby?
Confession time: at times my blog or my house or even homeschooling have become idols in my life. There’s a difference between working hard at something and doing one’s best but yes… when it absorbs me, becomes my first thought- then it has been idolatry.