So many times I tell myself that I am working online. Or researching. Or writing. Or doing Bible study. Rarely do I say that I am socialising, chilling out, debating or pushing my own agenda. But if I am truly honest with myself, I do a lot of the latter.
Earlier on this week I thought about deactivating my Facebook account and disconnecting my email and social media accounts from my iPhone and iPad. I need to hear the voice of God. I can’t hear His voice clearly because there is so much mental noise screaming for my attention. That funny meme on Facebook, the latest discussion on AussieHomeschool… it all adds up to mental clutter. And I am feeling the beginnings of overwhelmedness. (I think I just invented a new word. Noun: the state of being overwhelmed = overwhelmedness). Whether or not I disconnect for awhile, I still need to re-examine why I am online in the first place.
What is my plan, my purpose for being online today?
What am I talking about with others? What is the point I am trying to make in my discussions? Am I pointing to Christ and trusting that God will draw others and then nurture them along into their own relationship or am I simply telling them what they should believe? Am I majoring on minors or am I pointing to Christ? Am I pointing another way to yet another religion or am I pointing to the One who is the Way, the Truth and the Life?
Susan, stop. Breathe, Susan. Hold back from typing, Susan.
Hmm, very thought provoking and more relevant to me than I care to admit.
I am not surprised, my friend. It’s where I am at and I know you too… we happen to be at similar places although quite different circumstances. Bless you, xoxo
Same here. Many of us with young(ish) families and many responsibilities struggle to find a good balance. One thing I am finding more is that I am on the the net simply because I am seeking edifying company 🙁 When my family are all out, my friends occupied (like me, schooling, wifing, mothering, grandmothering, elderly parents) I do sometimes feel a little lonely. I just didn’t think this day would come.
Hi Susan,
Just found your blog. Important stuff to think about & good questions. Thanks.