It’s about that time of the year when the pages of the calendar are flipping over quickly which, for the homeschool mother, often means praying, thinking, stressing, researching and considering options for the upcoming year. Many people start planning for Christmas or vacation trips or entertaining plans and somewhere in it all, a mother’s heart can start to feel overwhelmed or even dry up.
Sometimes as mothers, we can feel like we’re pulled and pushed in every direction…others feel like butter that’s been spread over too much toast. Sometimes it is just all part of life so we soldier on, but if this happens to often then it can lead into being part of a negative or destructive cycle.
If you are in the homeschooling journey for the long haul- if this is a marathon and not a sprint, you will need to find ways to feed your own heart and mind. By feeding our heart and mind I’m talking about continuing to learn, to be stimulated, to serve, to be nourished in body, mind and soul. Bible reading and resting in God is a must! Our cup can overflow with the abundant love and grace of God, but we still need to exercise our physical body occasionally. So, we need to consider ways to cultivate our souls.
“Mothers should cultivate their souls, that in turn they may cultivate the souls of their children.”
~Billy Graham
The things I’m talking about need not be expensive- expensive doesn’t mean better! The key is however, finding some things that make you feel energetic…things that put a spring in your step…put a smile on your dial…something that makes you want to get up in the morning…something that stimulates your mind or body… For some it is volunteer work, a craft hobby like scapbooking or quilting, others find that gardening or cooking invigorates them. Some ladies love to decorate and paint stencils along their walls while others might like to pop out into the shed and build something for the home. There isn’t one right thing that suits everyone. But, the difficulty that a lot of homeschoolers mother face is how and when to fit it into their already busy or harried schedule. Please share how you fit your ‘Sanity Saver’ time into your family routine.
I used to love playing and coaching softball. I couldn’t wait for trainings. I also love entertaining and having visitors. I love watching good movies. I like watching Sci Fi with my hubby (sci-Fi can be intellectually stimulating) I like taking the children to the pool- they swim; I read a good book. I like to write. I may not be very good at it but there really is something to be said for the processing that goes on when one attempts to convey their thoughts, dreams and ideas via the written word. I like to serving others and help them. I find this invigorates me. I just have to share what I did that has truly nurtured my heart. I bought myself the Paul Potts CD. I have never been a real fan of opera but honestly, this talented fellow is making me do a complete turn around in my attitude. I bought the cd, popped it into my computer and just soaked it up- I was so refreshed and moved by it. Opera and jazz are not amongst my favourites genres of music and if anyone else feels similar or is wondering how to introduce opera to the children, pop out and buy the Paul Potts CD, called One Chance. You can hear some samples here, but they don’t do the CD, or his voice, justice.
- Cindy Rushton has a lit of ideas on her site that you must check out!
- Mother Culture and You, by Karen Andreola
Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”
Matthew 11:28 -30
“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me?watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”
Let’s encourage each other and share ways to cultivate our souls and nourish our hearts, bodies and minds while serving our families. I’d love to hear from you!
Oh yes! Paul Potts voice just gives me goosebumps. So nice to see an ordinary guy doing well in the underated “Classical” field of music!
recently I stopped singing with our worship team. I felt a bit selfish taking every friday night for practice. But everytime I’d go to church I would just ache because I missed it so much. I realize I can sing at church. But there is just something about the fellowship of the team. I asked to rejoin last week. So thank you for this post. Singing is my sanity saver. I look forward to it all week. I don’t need to feel guilty…. right?? LOL