
Yes, it’s Super Simple Spiritual Sunday again. I love this meme as I get to share the blogs that have spiritually blessed, informed or edified me this past week.

1. Cindy Rushton writes on Battling the Big D: Depression.
2. Not My List, But Yours Be Done
3. A Proverbs 31 Woman is what Robin shares on HOW.
4. Nancy Wilson shares some wisdom on Idle Chatter
5. Voice of Vision writes on how the gospel affects all of our life in “Let’s Do Lunch
6. A timely article worth reading right to the end, including the comments is Experience/Relationship or Academic? at Catch the Fire ministries. Timely, as Australians are bombarded with propaganda as we are propelled toward an election. (not saying I agree with everything it presents but it is good food for thought)
7. Perspective: The Invisible Woman – As mothers, we are building great cathedrals. We cannot be seen if we’re doing it right. Go read this- it’s good.