The other day I received an email from a fellow Aussie homeschooler questioning why I seemed to advertise books by Bill Phillips (Body for Life) and Tom Venuto (Burn the Fat). You can see the page in question here. I thought that maybe other’s might have thought the same, so here is my response.
Thanks for your email. I’m not quite sure what you mean about not expecting to read about exercise/fitness on my site. Firstly, I’m not advertising them. I don’t receive any commission or any profit whatsoever from my sites or writings. I write about things that have helped me in my walk [as a believer in Christ, a woman and a homeschooler].
Have you read BFL or Tom’s Burn the Fat book? If so, what did you think of them? [If any reader’s have read the books and/or used the programs, feel free to leave a comment].
Over the years I have struggled with my weight and have tried virtually every diet and exercise program known to man. I know of them all- but applying them by doing them is another story. However, I am learning more and more about it all. I am learning how important resistance training is for women. Oh I know that most homeschool mums want to learn about nutrition but sadly, the physical side of health is often neglected in homeschool circles.
Homeschooling is a marathon, not a sprint. Homeschooling long term requires endurance both physical and emotional. Nutrition, strength and fitness are essential for endurance. I don’t believe that [only] cardio is enough to develop and maintain good health and fitness.
Then, I read Body for Life which taught me about resistance training and how beneficial it is for weight loss but also for health. I also read Tom Venuto’s book. These are the best books on the subject, IMO. They provide balanced information.
I used to be an athlete (many years ago) but since getting married, I let my fitness go. My daughter is an athlete and being in good physical shape is important to her sport. While my other children have not chosen to pursue a career or an interest in sports I still think it is vitally important to be strong and healthy and fit, especially for males. So, I want to set a good example- by living it! I can’t expect my sons to pursue health, fitness and strength if I’m not prepared to be an example!
We need a healthy measure of good nutrition, cardio exercise and strength training. Building strong bones and muscles is important in the prevention of osteoporosis. It is also a key to losing weight! Jeannie Fulbright’s messages are the BFL program in a nutshell…and she is a Christian as well. But I don’t believe that we can’t learn things from people just because they aren’t professing believers. Just like anything else found on the Internet, there are extreme’s…but I?m not one to throw the baby out with the bath water. I tend to take the meat and spit out the bones! 🙂
While I do take care with providing links from my site I do have a disclaimer as well. However, after research I know of no reason why I shouldn’t mention these fellows’ work.
After much trial and error and finding the long way round things, I thought I’d share what I have found to be the best ways to health and fitness.
I hope this answers any questions. If not, feel free to ask me to clarify further. 🙂
In His Grace,
I enjoyed the Body for Life bookk ( and the BFL for Women). I think fitness is very important for hs mums and their families – mental, spirital and physical fitness. So, I appreciate your fitness links/posts, Susan..
I think some people have way too much time on their hands :)… if people don’t like the way you encourage people, they could always try doing a little of it themselves… Now if you were promoting the koran then I would raise my eyebrows! we love your blog Susan… thank you!
It was Susan that introduced me to the Body Of Life book and Tom venuto. It has changed not only mine but my husband’s life. After years of yo yo dieting and sporadic aerobic exercise thrown in every now and then, I was desperate for an answer. If you have never read BFL or Tom’s book, “Burn the fat feed the muscle” then may I emplore you to do so. As christians I believe that our body is the temple of the holy spirit, and as such, it is our duty to take proper care of it.If we continue to walk in ignorance of correct nutrion and exercise then we are heading for disaster. Australians have the dubious honour of being one of the fattest nations on earth. The average onset of Type two Diabetes used to be 40 but that has come down to 30 years! What is stopping that figure going even lower?
My husband has lost eleven kilos in weight and has a healthier body than he had in his twenties. He is a walking testimony of what good nutrition and exercise can do. I continue to follow the “Burn The Fat” principles and, although not seeing the huge weight loss that my husband experienced, I am much fitter and my blood pressure is no longer at a dangerously high level. I am a more active mum for my children.My husband is thinking of starting a cell group at church for others to encourage them in the area of fitness. It is a great witness to people.Tom Venuto, in my opinion, is the most balanced authority on health and nutrition today.
Go Susan……..spread the good word!