Skinny Chocolate
After much trial and error I have finally tweaked the Trim, Healthy Mama (THM) recipe to perfection! Based on the THM recipe but with a few minor adjustments.
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Jul 3, 2013 | Featured, Recipes, Trim Healthy Mama
After much trial and error I have finally tweaked the Trim, Healthy Mama (THM) recipe to perfection! Based on the THM recipe but with a few minor adjustments.
Read MoreEarlier this week, John and I celebrated our twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. Like any married couple, we have had ups and downs, times of plenty and been in need. Also like every other couple, we have fought and cried together. Here are 25 things that I have learned and am still learning to do.
Read MoreJun 25, 2013 | Homeschooling, Theological Thoughts
As parents we all want to raise our children in the ways of the Lord, to teach them His ways, to teach them His story. But there is so much to do, to read, to share. Where do we start? We start and end with the good news. But what exactly is this good news?
Read MoreJun 4, 2013 | Marriage, Motherhood
In which I share my thoughts on the harder role – being a wife or a mother.
Read MoreJun 3, 2013 | Heart Sharing, Motherhood
God’s purpose for my teen is the hope that keeps me going.
Read MoreApr 20, 2013 | Heart Sharing, Motherhood
My teen asked ‘why’ to everything and I wanted to ‘straighten him out’. God, being the Great Multi-Tasker, already had plans. God knew.
Read MoreApr 3, 2013 | Homeschooling, Motherhood
We believe that if we homeschool a certain way, then we will achieve parenting and homeschooling success. But we make a grave mistake if we attempt to use any kind of formula
Read MoreMar 16, 2013 | my online life
What is my plan, my purpose for being online today? What am I talking about with others? What is the point I am trying to make in my discussions? Am I majoring on minors or am I pointing to Christ? Am I pointing another way to yet another religion or am I pointing to the One who is the Way, the Truth and the Life?
Read MoreMar 5, 2013 | Marriage, Motherhood
Stories are relational, opinions are more like facts. Grace and truth are conveyed through stories. Stories have characters, actions and outcomes which all takes time to be played out. They are intricately woven and allow the listener to make their own rich connections. Stories communicate much, although it’s not always so easy to find the ‘moral’ of the story, if there is indeed one moral to be learned.
Read MoreMar 1, 2013 | Heart Sharing, Homeschooling
Ask an average homeschool parent about self harm and they will likely look at you with a quizzical look. Self harm is what other kids do. Right?
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