About Susan

It’s a long history – colourful and varied – so read along at your own risk. For this is the musing of a messay mama, who bumbles her way through marriage, motherhood and mess.

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Confused by my Grief

It’s been 16 and a half years since Mum passed away. I visited my Mum’s grave last week. And as happened in the past I got angry and frustrated. With myself. I don’t believe she is in the grave. Her body is but her soul has crossed from this earth and this time to that of eternity. I don’t see why the burial plot should hold significance for me.

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Sharing My Story Without Over-Sharing

I want to share. There are events in my life that have shaped me, touched me and changed my thinking and my beliefs but I often feel stifled in sharing because I don’t know how to do so in a way that tells only my story.I don’t write much about my children because I want them to own their own story.

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