
Life… it’s full of new beginnings! Unlike yesterday, today is the beginning of a new year. Who knows what this year will bring each family? God, the author and finisher of our faith does!

I love a new year. I like new starts. Maybe that’s why I get itchy feet and don’t mind moving regularly, I don’t know but I love fresh beginnings. Each new year reminds me of a time way back, before the history books began, even before Creation – to when Christ was.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God.
John 1:1-2

I love my husband and my children. I love my dad. I love my friends. However, they too, like me, are flesh and blood. I do not know for how long I will toil upon the earth nor how long my loved one will either. I cannot trust in them for everything- for my safety, provision, joy, happiness nor salvation. But I can trust in Jesus… who was the Word and was with God and was God.

God has a plan, a purpose for every single life. Moses, John the Baptist and the Apostle Paul were no doubt men of God but were they exceptions? God gave them specific missions. But are we not sent from God also? Do we not have a message to share? Am I doing what He wants me to do each day? Am I living with a sense of purpose?

So, how to find this purpose? There have been countless books with with much pop psychology for eager persons to devour…but they make much out of something quite simple… that which may not be easy (because we so often live by the flesh) but simple. I will find my work, my mission, my purpose, by living in obedience and submission to the Father! He does the preparing of me… He will lead me into that purpose in the right time. My duty is to keep obedient to Him and submit every part of my life to Him. He requires me to act justly, to love mercy and kindness and to walk in constant, sweet fellowship with Himself.

Do I know what my purpose is? Have I set my goals and plans for 2010 according to His ways, to His plan?