14yodd informed that I am just not posting regularly enough! So, in an attempt to do so I’ll let you know about our last week, although I warn you now it wasn’t overly exciting…just normal everyday family activities.

15yodd was at work and lessons. We didn’t teach PE at the primary school this last week as the rain meant we had to cancel. 15yodd attended her first ever youth group camp this past weekend! Yep, that was exciting and she enjoyed it immensely. I’ll let her talk about it though as we have decided to share this blog. In between family, lessons, work, softball and church friends she just wasn’t getting around to writing on her own blog so we’ll share. I think she’s learning a lot through church and youth group although I’m glad that she hasn’t always attended…I think there are *seasons* for these things as well and having such a strong family bond, and such intimate relationships with her parents has been the best precursor to going to youth group.

14yodd has been at school but she has also done a little ‘homework’ as agreed between her and I. Neither of us feel she is having enough or adequate instruction in the art of composition so she is going to do a few things at home. I’m proud of her for recognising this and agreeing to work extra on it. She has made a good friend at school, a girl that DH and I like.

The boys and I have slowly pottering through some lessons. We’re having most of our table time in the Bible, which is great! They’re also powering on with Maths. Did I mention that I am so thankful for Math U See?

I feel for my DH though. Late last year, he had an accident at work and after a few weeks of agony, he had to have a shoulder reconstruction, which had him out of action for months. Well, he isn’t fully recovered yet but he has hurt his back at work. He had a horrid weekend at home, went back to work today where the Dr sent him for an x-ray. The Dr. thinks it is a ‘blown disc’…that there is no cartilage between 2 vertebrae. Ouch! So, he came home and then I took him for an MRI. He has several appointments with doctors this week, so I guess all this will keep me busy for the next week.

And me? I’m enjoying my time of intense Bible study as I delve into the word. It is consuming my every waking hour of late. God is revealing Himself to me in ways that enable me to teach my children every day…many things. God’s word truly is worth studying! Lord Tennyson is reported to have said “Bible reading is an education in itself.” Oh boy, do I agree!

And, last but not least…during the week I heard that another family member reads our blogs so I want to say a special hello to Damian! I hope you’re doing real well at your job. I’m proud of you. Leave me a comment here one day eh?