Tag: curriculum

Curriculum Planning

Curriculum Planning: Why does the appearance of what we do always change? Because learning at home adventure is not static- because one size does not fit all, because each of my children are unique in their needs and interests, passions and gifts. Focus on your priority goals and be surprised at results. Every lesson that you learn along the way should be shared with your children. They will learn along with you and these life lessons are the most important. This allows for births, deaths, marriages and all those other real life circumstances that will interfere with your lovely homeschool plans! But, they are most important- for they are real. Know your goals. Know your limitations. Know that God is in control.

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First Day Back 2012

Last week was our first week back at school lessons. With rambo at school, Falcon and I are homeschooling… establishing a new routine. This is the first time I have ever homeschooled one child at a time. It’s all a bit new to me. It’s all new to Falcon too as he is the youngest child and has always had his older siblings around to keep him company and provide lots of distractions.

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