Tag: facebook

Guarding My Heart

As a woman of the word, I need to guard my heart and mind. I do not need to be about gossip and ‘knowing who said what to whom’. I need to be about the word and serving others. I will continue to use fb as a way of sharing but forgive me if I don’t comment on your walls or updates. I need to guard my heart, be careful to not be a busy body, be busy at home and not be idle. This is my weakness… and as such my course of action.

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Why Am I Online Today?

What is my plan, my purpose for being online today? What am I talking about with others? What is the point I am trying to make in my discussions? Am I majoring on minors or am I pointing to Christ? Am I pointing another way to yet another religion or am I pointing to the One who is the Way, the Truth and the Life?

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Free facebook security guide

Facebook. Love it or not… it’s here to stay. Facebook has devised a new security guide for parents, teens and educators, or everyone. It’s good to read this guide for yourself but also read it with your children. It has a lot of common sense in it- whether you use FB or not.
The free downloadable guide includes tips on how to protect your fb account, how to avoid scammers, how to use secure security settings and a whole lot more.

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Training Children to Use Facebook for God's Glory

Many homeschool families do not have an issue with facebook. Their teens don’t care much for it so there’s no problem. But not all homeschoolers are like this. Some homeschool families are very much into technology and social media. However if, like me, you are going to allow your teens to be involved on facebook, this video gives some very helpful and practical tips for parents.

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Five Tips For Your Privacy with the Facebook Ticker

Are you confused or wary of the Facebook ticker? I will give you five tips to ensure your privacy on Facebook, ticker included.I don’t care for the ticker. It allowed me insights into people’s lives that I didn’t want nor need to know. It’s gossipy. I felt like I was eavesdropping on all my friends. This isn’t part of my online code of ethics. Quite simply, the ticker did not help me in my quest to guard my heart.

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