Calvary Chapel has updated their site and are also in the slow process of updating their free, Bible curriculum. Do zip over and check them out.

MODSQUAD is an encouraging blog for Mothers of Daughters.

It’s a few months old now but I was interested to read this article, which is an interview with Bono about Grace over Karma.

Why Brad Pitt can’t come to grips with God. And I mention this not because I follow Brad Pitt but because there are many friends of mine who grapple with the same thing.

Sally Clarkson wrote a lovely, short post over at I Take Joy.

Saying No. Does it mean you are lazy?

Dominant home cleaning products– I used to use these superb products many years ago but after 9 house moves in 10 years I gave up trying to keep my contacts up to date. But my dear sister-in-law is a supplier and so I have gone back to using them. I almost forgot how fantastic (as in excellent and economical) they are. I love the All Purpose Cleaner.

Ending homeschool stereotypes – American girl wins Miss America pageant.

Bored? Got some time to do some blog reading? (I haven’t but maybe you have) Check out the Top 50 homeschool blogs.

How to address the issue of modesty… in the Church.

Math-Aids is a free resource for teachers, parents, students, and homeschoolers. You can make an unlimited number of printable math worksheets for children.

Scott Foresman Free Grammar and Writing handbooks. I’ve linked to these before but they’re too good to miss.

Just Reading to Them? A, encouraging, informative post from A Thomas Jefferson Education.

I frequently link to Sheila’s blog and this week is no exception. She writes on ‘Do our Kids mature too slowly?‘. Love the quotes excerpt from a book she is reading.

“We place kids in schools together with hundreds, sometimes thousands, of other kids typically from similar economic and cultural backgrounds. We group them all within a year or so of one another in age. We equip them with similar gadgets, expose them to the same TV shows, lessons, and sports. We ask them all to take almost the exact same courses and do the exact same work and be graded relative to one another. We give them only a handful of ways in which they can meaningfully demonstrate their competencies. And then we’re surprised they have some difficulty establishing a sense of their own individuality.” And we wonder why it’s taking so long for them to mature.
~ Joe Allen – Escaping the Endless Adolescence

Over Population? Is it a myth? Check out the website.


Where have you been around the web lately? Any interesting sites or articles to share?