Monday: Purple Smoothie

Handful of frozen red grapes, a banana and mixed berries (all frozen)
2 glasses of cold water
Handful of cos lettuce
Handful of baby spinach
0.5 Tsp Vital Greens

** Caffeine: only 4 cups of tea or coffee for the day.

Tuesday’s Green Smoothie was even better!

Handful of frozen banana and 2 handfuls of frozen grapes.
Handful of cos lettuce and baby spinach.
1.5 glasses of cold water
0.5 Tsp Ultimate Greens
Half teaspoon honey

** Caffeine: only 4 cups of tea or coffee for the day.

Wednesday’s Smoothie

2 apples (peeled and cored)
2 handfuls grapes
2 handfuls baby spinach and 2 handfuls of cos lettuce
0.25 avocado
1 tsp Ultimate Greens
1tsp honey
1.5 cups cold water

** Caffeine: only 4 cups of tea or coffee for the day.

Thursday’s Smoothie

2 handfuls frozen grapes
2 plums
1 handful baby spinach
1 handful cos lettuce leaves
1 tsp Ultimate Greens
Splash lemon juice
1 tsp honey

Friday’s Smoothie

Handful of frozen banana and 2 handfuls of frozen grapes.
2 cups of Carrot/beetroot juice
Handful of cos lettuce and baby spinach.
1.5 glasses of cold water
0.5 Tsp Ultimate Greens
Half teaspoon honey

Weekend Smoothie
2 handfuls baby spinach
2 handfuls full grown spinach
2 stalks celery
2 handfuls grapes
2 kiwi fruit
A splash of lemon juice
0.5 tsp Ultimate Greens