Further to my post about not profiting from the preaching of the gospel I’d like to highlight a few sites that give free Bible studies suitable for home and family use. There are many more I’m sure but these are some that we’ve used. If you know of others, feel free to leave a comment and share the URL.


Free Bible curriculum for use in the homeschool and family setting!

Calvary Chapel Sunday School lessons have been created for the purpose of supporting and blessing those who minister to children. Excellent!

Bible Class Books are excellent for elementary, OT, NT, Topical studies and character traits. Do check them out. Well worth your time. http://www.bibleclassbooks.com/index.html

Coromandel Baptist has many free resources, including a SS program that can be easily modified for home use.

The Christian Basics series and the Christian Faith series makes a great study for older children/teens.

New Creation Teaching Ministries has many resources which are free…but even if you wish to purchase their books they are sooo cheap, only charging for printing/publishing costs. Help Me to Grow by Rev. Dr John Annells is a bible study for new Christians BUT I suggest that it is also great for teens.

The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus by John R. Cross, from GoodSeed: http://www.goodseed.com/
This fully illustrated, 304-page book is written for adults and teens who know little or nothing about the Bible. It explains in a straightforward way the greatest themes of the Bible, step by step creating an understanding of sin, substitution and atonement. Available chapter by chapter download.

Corresponding free workbook
Corresponding Answer Booklet
Free Audio download of the book

Bible 101 – A Self-Paced Course
It’s been called “the greatest story ever told.” Now the central message of the Bible is brought to life in this eleven-hour online video series. This self-paced course has been adapted from the popular award winning DVD series – The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus.

By This Name is was written to give to or teach people who come from a polytheistic or pantheistic background. It is also geared for those who don’t believe in absolute truth, or say things like “That’s true for you but not for me.” Great study for teens!

The Lamb by John R. Cross
186 page full color book for children that explains the main message of the Bible

EBible Teacher has lessons for the slightly younger children.
Old Testament and New Testament lessons and Books of the Bible

All that the Prophets have Spoken
As the influence of Islam becomes more widespread and you start to meet more Muslims, you want to be able to communicate with them what you believe to be the central message of Scripture. But where do you begin? How do you even start?

And Beginning with Moses
Are you looking for a way to clearly teach the Bible in a world where truth is relative and God is seen as a force? Have you been noticing a shift in our culture and are struggling to know how to share the gospel with this new generation? You want to teach the Bible, but when people don’t even understand who God is, where do you begin? Great for teens!

Sunday School Lessons on the Tabernacle
The following lesson plans have been designed for a Sunday school class or weekly Bible study for adults or young adults. Each lesson, which can be completed in 45 minutes to an hour, includes one or two main biblical passage(s) on which the lesson is based, a short background description, and several discussion questions. Through these lessons, your students will be able to better understand Christ’s redemptive work on the cross and how He fulfilled every aspect of the tabernacle. Our hope is that they will come away with a stronger, clearer and more accurate grasp of the Gospel.

Bible Explorer
Bible Explorer is the fastest and easiest to use free bible study software. Over 2,800 Bible and Bible reference works available!

I’d like to encourage you to use the materials above to teach and instruct your family. If you use the materials, consider donating to the ministries. While this isn’t necessary it will further help spread God’ word. Please don’t fall for the trap that says ‘just because a book costs a few dollars it must be better than the free ones’. It’s just not true.