AM – Hard HIIT session on bike for 20 min
PM – Upper Body workout with free weights

Rest (Funeral)

AM – 20min HIIT treadmill I HATE that machine! 2.0km in 20min pftttt! LOL
PM – Lower Body & Abs Workout

Rest: Busy day out and about. Went to the theatre (Phantom of the Opera) at night. Didn’t eat enough nor drink any water.

Upper Body Workout, including 5 min cardio warmup

Saturday Free Day
Out and about with hubby…getting new tyres, etc. Also prepared clothes for his trip. Cooked huge meal (Spaghetti Bolognese) and had a house full. Today was my Free Day.
Saw hubby off for 2 weeks. Cleaned the house.

Exercise was harder in intensity this week but also scattered, due to life situations. Ideally I don’t want to do two workouts per day on day one and then nothing on day two…but I’m a work in progress. SO long as I’m doing something it is better than nothing!

Hmm, have noticed that I drink at least 1.2 litres of water on the days that I train. There’s something in that eh?

Whoohoo! 5 workouts done. 1 workout past target.