Crowns of Fire is a rich, literary story of the Australian bush, originally written by Amy Mack (and I love her work) and it has been adapted by Michelle Morrow of Down Under Literature. The illustrations, by fellow Australian Cath Chegwidden, are just stunning! This book would be a timely addition to any homeschool library as it talks about the effects of drought and bushfire.
This 29 page hardcover book is available from Down Under Literature, who also publish and supply the fantastic Wonderland of Nature by Nuri Mass. But wait, there’s more! In addition to the Wonderland of Nature is a ‘must-have’ companion book: The Wonderland of Nature Journal CD which has three sections: How to Nature Journal, Discovery Sheets (excellent!) and Web Links.
For all things Aussie, and Nature, and Grammar, and Copy Work, check Down Under Literature for pricing details and generous samples. Tell them Susan said hi. 🙂