Some readers may remember my heartfelt posts I wrote last year.  Dana, from Living Stones, has been known to visit this blog and I’m a regular reader of her encouraging blog. Recently she wrote a few posts that I really wanted to highlight. Her first was ‘Teenagers- Letting go so God can work‘ and the next one is ‘Teenagers-welcoming them home

Over the years I have battled The Myths – the myths of parenting, of homeschooling, of homemaking, of being a Proverbs 31 woman, etc. Many times I have been left feeling exposed or vulnerable from sharing my life as I do not strive to live up to expectations set by religion or man or even my perception of God’s expectations!

I hate the myths! They don’t serve us or compel us toward godliness. They stifle us, hurt us, heap condemnation upon us and do ugly things to our mind… yet so often we persist in perpetuating these myths. Why? Because of fear. We’re scared that other’s will see us as the not-so-perfect family or whatever. Ultimately, I think the motive is fear. But the opposite of fear is love, power and a sound mind. Oh many myths sound gucci; so much so that we desire them but they are not based on sound reason or even from love but from a desire to appear good. Oi voi! What a mess. We need to continually be lining our hearts up against God’s word and applying His truths to our whole lives- even our parenting lives and our homeschooling lives!

Anyway, I’ll leave you to visit Dana’s site and to seek God.