Anyone remember my post earlier this year about how much I was looking forward to a settled year and how much I planned to accomplish with the boys?
I wrote:
I’m also looking forward to this year. This is shaping up to be the first year in many that we will not be moving house! Six moves in seven years- hmmm, it is very tiring. I’m looking forward to only having normal life interruptions this year, in this house!
I am hoping to do some intensive one-on-one work with the boys in the areas of math, science and physical education. I also hope to write a few more lessons in my Bible study which I’ll then upload to the site.
Ha! I was wrong! So very wrong, which I why I have given up on being a planner. We found out last week that we will be moving again. It is totally unexpected and out of the blue, but it is a compassionate posting due to family needs. Part of me is sad and cranky because I’m tired of moving and I really like the weather here in QLD. But another part of me is so overjoyed to be going back to our home state of SA. I haven’t seen my father for 18 months and I have missed him so much. Once we found out the bare details last week, the children have been unable to concentrate or focus on anything other than moving and life in the new state. They’re also very excited! The older the children get and the more ingrained into a town they are, it is harder for them to leave but we are looking forward to making SA our home again.
It will be a quick move, within 12 days, which we’ve done before 🙄 so if I’m not around forums, email and blogs very much you’ll know why.
This whole move also brings with it (as a part of it and also separate) a different situation, one that has involved more pain that I have ever experienced in my life. Our Father knows of all this, of course, so any prayers you can offer on our behalf would be most appreciated.
I hope the move goes smoothly and that you can stay in one place for longer this time.
Thank you Judith…6 moves in 7 years is tough. This will be our 7th house in 7 years. but yes, we are looking forward to settling in the one state for quite some time. 🙄 😀
Prayers and hugs from here, for yet another move. I am so sorry to hear about the pain associated with the move, too. 🙁
Leonie’s last blog post..At the Cyndi Lauper concert…
Your great at moving!! the faster the better I say. Looking foward to hearing how it feels to be in familiar territory.
Praying for your pain to be released and for you to be comforted. Praying too for the strength to confront it boldly and in Faith as God would have you.
Karen in Melbourne
Oh my goodness I do feel for you! I lost my father a few yeras back, so I believe the move again will be more than worth it for you all!
Bless you , bless you , bless you all
Dear Susan, I am happy that you are going “home” to be near dad but sad that this is such a big upheaval for you. I am especially thinking of Abbi and Rebekah and the friendships that they must have made. God knows, and he is bigger than any move, where there is a will there is a way. Jacqui xx
I hope things all go well and am offering prayers for the other situation to be worked out too.
We are looking to moving about 1500 miles, but not sure when or even where. I do miss our family though. There is nothing like living near family….