Well, it’s getting on toward the end of the year…which means a new year is acomin’. I’ve had such an interesting journey so far this year, and I’ve chronicled it a little on my blog but in scattered bits and pieces.

It all started when I pursued my own study on ‘the Sabbath‘ (Nov 2005)

I decided to try focusing on the 3 R’s for 2006- the new 3 R’sRest, Relationship and Refreshment.

Jan 2006 saw me not too excited about lessons this year so deciding to have a “Sabbath Season”

We moved interstate in May so we had to ride the waves of moving. Throughout this I was becoming more interested in getting fitter…and I realised something about our home and family, from reading Body for Life. The book talks about hitting high points and efficient workouts, etc. Gee, this sounds a bit like my homeschool- instead of wanting to do lessons and booky stuff all day every day, I want to do our lessons efficiently, hit some high points AND have a life!!!

In July, I was having such a good time that I decided to take stock of the year so far:
and in August I started to formulate our recipe for success… or not!

Throughout this time of Sabbath I have learned a lot…about myself, the nature of Man, the nature of God, how we learn, etc I also learned, in a whole new way, that ‘people will learn what they need to know, when they need to know it’.

So where to for next year? I’m getting a little excited about planning for next year…but with the lessons I’ve learnt firmly in my mind.

Our focus will still be on the 3 R’s.
Rest, Relationship and Refreshment.

There are so many books that we haven’t read……books that I know we won’t even get to read…lessons that I haven’t done, but that’s okay! The important ones have been read, the important lessons have been discussed, relationships have been nurtured and the curiosity that is essential for learning has been kindled. Whenever I start to look at how much a child hasn’t done, I stop and look at how much they care, not how much they know…and I’m left feeling content.

My family dynamics have changed a fair bit over the last 12 months and I’m looking forward to a new season of working with my boys. The girls and I have always loved learning about history- it has been our favourite subject but the boys are more interested in geography and science. Science is something I’ve tried to almost avoid! but I’ve even been writing a unit study based on a Willard Price book in preparation for next year. My goal is to bring John to a level where he will be able to work more independently so that I can spend a little more time with ‘Master C’ . I want to streamline the basics so that we an all spend more time in God’s word and learning according to their delights and interests.

We’ll still have interruptions as we’re probably moving again in May and with two girls working part time and youth group, and ‘A’s softball this means the waves are starting get a little bigger, but that’s fine because that’s life! It’s how we know we’re alive!

So I’m excited about switching focus to a new subject (science) and
teaching my boys, which is totally different to teaching my girls. I’m excited about teaching and showing them God’s word…ahhh, much to be thankful for.