Hi, I'm Susan
Skinny Chocolate
After much trial and error I have finally tweaked the Trim, Healthy Mama (THM) recipe to perfection! Based on the THM recipe but with a few minor adjustments.
A Tip for Each Year of Marriage
Earlier this week, John and I celebrated our twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. Like any married couple, we have had ups and downs, times of plenty and been in need. Also like every other couple, we have fought and cried together. Here are 25 things that I have learned and am still learning to do.
It’s Not All Up To Me
It’s not possible nor reasonable to train or teach every child every thing they need to learn. I don’t need to do it all. Just as God is perfecting in me His work, so He is with the children. I am not perfecting them – He is. God has begun a good work in me and He will continue it until the Day of Christ.
Fearless Parenting
I’m not scared anymore. And it’s beautiful. Freeing. Relaxed. And joyful.Too often I tried to influence my little ones. Tried to control them. I micro-managed them. The lessons God has revealed to me have been the only thing that keep me going at times. It is not hopeless, but it isn’t just about homeschooling- it is so much bigger than that. God wants to reach you, to teach you, to blow your mind with Himself. But sometimes, like with me, He has to get some stuff out of the way so that we will listen. To parent out of freedom and grace is refreshing. It’s totally liberating!
Homeschooling thru sickness, surgery & trials
How I survived and thrived homeschooling for 15 years even through surgery and illness.
Homeschooling is…
Homeschooling is life and it is sometimes hard. But, it is the best.
Homeschooling grows…
Homeschooling is: strong family relationships, highly valued home and family life; happy children who love learning; happy adults who love learning
Homeschool Phony
I am a homeschool phony. At least that is how I felt when my child asked to go to school.
Back to basics homeschooling
I'm so glad that I'm not beginning the homeschool adventure now. When I started it was a tad lonely. All networking (if it could be called that) was done via word-of-mouth and (gasp!) old fashioned letter writing and monthly newsletters! I remember fondly hearing of a...
What is the Chief End of Homeschooling?
The Chief End of Homeschooling: there is an eternal reason for all this mess, untidiness, and constant training. That reason is that God wants ALL of us- our entire life. Our goal is to love God and glorify Him forever – in the midst of spilled Weetbix and poopie nappies and children that can’t spell.
Opening Doors
It’s all too easy for me to say ‘no’. No, no, no! I don’t want my children to remember me as a ‘no mum’. “No” closes doors whereas “yes” opens the door, giving loads of opportunity! Opening the door is like igniting a flame… we never know where it will lead or brightly it will burn. I desire to create an environment that is conducive to pursuing delights, to shape and develop the character traits necessary for a lifelong habit of learning and provide the fuel or rich ideas to stimulate an interest.
Getting Started in Homeschooling
Helpful tips for getting started with homeschooling
The Sacred Cows of Homeschooling
The sacred cows, or codes, of homeschooling… it’s often easier for us to strive toward a certain code than to live in grace.
Our Family Principles
These principles have hung on our fridge for many years. Our family guidelines have served our family well.
Homeschooling with Young Children
I write about my experience with our toddlers and young ones while trying to homeschool. It was hard work! It was fantastic!! It was draining and monotonous!!! It was fun!!!!
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