Cyber flowers for commenters and fellow bloggers! Hmmm while looking over my blog for the last month I saw that there are a few people who read it. And there are a few comments. Wow, firstly I am delighted that you do. 🙂 I also realised that I like to receive comments. Ah! is this because I need the affirmation or is it because I love interaction with people? (Inquiring minds need to know!) I believe it is the latter. 😉

Amanda, you are like a breathe of fresh air. I can’t wait until you have your own blog so I can leave you comments. 😉

Leonie, I am constantly amazed, informed and encouraged by your posts on your blog. You seem to have such an amount of energy that I dream about. Thanks for being such an inspiration to me, and to many others.

Margaret, mum of the 2kidschoolhouse: Thanks for stopping by and commenting! I think you already know how much I enjoy your insight and humour.

Jacqui, thanks for your comments, your openness and your honesty. You must be a blessing to those you know in real life because you are a blessing over the Internet. Your humour also cracks me up. I wish I had a sense of humour like some of you ladies…while I don’t, I love being around you, if only in cyber-land. 🙂

Jocelyn, your blog and knowing you both in real life and over the Internet has enriched my life in more ways than one. You are such a calming influence, often seeming to sit back, take your time and then come out with profound wisdom.

Chrissy, lovely to meet another Heart of Wisdom user. I check your blog regularly now. I also love your theme and colours. 🙂

Lisa, you crack me up! But I also appreciate your insight as a fellow homeschooler with teens.
Shelso, your determination and perseverance are inspirational!

Well, that’s my roundup for this month! I am inspired by you ladies and while I don’t blog for you, (I blog because I like to) commenting on each other’s blogs is fun, enjoyable and enriching.

Bless you!