Last week was our first week back at school lessons. Rambo started in Yr 11 at the local school and this particular school starts a week after the public schools. So Falcon and I also started back at establishing a whole new routine. This is the first time I have ever homeschooled one child at a time. It’s all a bit new to me. It’s all new to Falcon too as he is the youngest child and has always had his older siblings around to keep him company and provide lots of distractions.

First Day of School 2012
Yr 11 – Rambo
Even though Rambo isn’t specifically homeschooling this year, we still take great interest in his education so I’d I’d like to share his subject choices.
- Faith Studies (all students have to do this subject)
- Maths
- English
- Physics
- PE
- Outdoor Ed
- Business & Enterprise
- Automotive Studies
- Psychology
In his spare time he keeps fit, is learning to drive, is experimenting with DJing and mixing music, gaming, game mapping, photoshop and is a Corporal in Air Force cadets.
DS isn’t set with his future yet so is keeping his options open as to his interests. He’s going for good grades in Eng, Maths & Science if he wants to apply to ADFA but he’s also doing OE, PE & Psychology in case he decides to become a PT or work in the fitness industry. He’s continuing to work on his IT skills and do Business and IPP in case he wants to work in the IT industry.
Yr 9 – Falcon
- Bible readings
- Bible Study Techniques
- Christian Biographies
- Hymns
- Catechism
Personal Development:
- Public Speaking unit
- Do Hard Things: A Teenage Rebellion Against Low Expectations
Current Events
- Literary Lessons through Lord of the Rings
- Jensen’s Vocabulary
- Jensen’s Punctuation
- Two Shakespeare plays
- Various Research Projects on National Holidays
- Basic Science Mysteries
- Supplement with videos from the Kahn Academy
- Literature selections, Poetry, Research papers on significant days, and Movies for Australian Studies
- Photography unit from CurrClick
- Weekly photograph uploaded to blog
- Process two photographs using LightRoom or Photoshop per week
Art Appreciation:
- Weekly study
Music Appreciation:
- Informal weekly study
Falcon may attend the same school as Rambo next year for Yr 10 so we are preparing for that. I am considering adding Skwirk to our program to supplement English and SOSE. Have I overlooked anything? Any thoughts?
OOOH, you use life of fred! I didn’t think any other Australians had even heard of it. I’m thinking of using it myself to relearn the higher math I personally missed, but I’m putting off ordering it because postage is a killer, so I want to order everything at once to save on postage, and I can’t afford everything at once 🙂
For a child, do you find it works as a stand alone curriculum? A lot of people seem to only use it as a supplement but the guy who wrote it says it’s a fully inclusive one. Some say the books before Algebra are supplements only. I see you have another curriculum source listed, but is it nececary do you think, or just a fun extra?
Ha-haa Abba, I know what you mean about postage. Does AdnilPress still stock LOF?
No, I don’t use it as a stand alone. Maybe you could, especially for younger children (better later than early approach) but we are really focussing on Maths this year so my poor boy is doing three lots of Maths. MathsOnline is his main curriculum, additional units from Skwirk and some LOF. We’ve decided to NOT go with MUS this year after all. No reason, I still think it is an excellent product but we can get through MO and Skwirk quicker and for now, it suits our needs.
I use LOF as the supplement, the extra. 🙂
It looks like an engaging schedule 🙂
You may have already done it, but it might be fun to add the Fallacy Detective to Falcon’s reading list if he is going to be looking at the news articles and forum responses on Youngzine – it’s a perfect opportunity to use the skills taught there, and if you haven’t already done it, the book is fun and easy to read.
Thanks BB,
Actually, I should have mentioned that this schedule is always being re-worked. Both Falcon and I have already made changes and tweaked it. We’re going to read How To Be Your Own Selfish Pig first then we might get around to Fallacy Detective. Caleb listened into that when we read it aloud the first time, which he won’t remember but I do actually think he’ll pick some things up.
I’ve added Student New Daily to the schedule and I actually prefer it to Youngzine.
But thanks for the feedback – MUCH appreciated!