Wahoo!! I just have to brag! Miss A has been selected in the U/16 Girls Australian Squad for softball.

She has been training and working hard for three years now at State representative softball. It hasn’t been easy as she has had to commute 4 hours to and from, staying with other families and being away from her family. Throughout the week she works hard at lessons, housework and softball as well as continuing to build her family relationships. Last year she represented the ACT State team and this year, due to our move, she represented Victoria.

Out of all the many girls who play softball in Australia, only 15 are selected from each state to compete in the National tournament against each other. This year, Seven months of traveling and training came to a climax as Victoria narrowly lost by one run to consecutive winners, NSW.

Each year, at this National tournament, Australian selectors are present to scout out prospective up and coming ball players. They watch them, their attitudes and log their playing statistics. Eight states competed (NT are not able to attend regularly) with 15 girls in each team (approximately 120 girls altogether) and only 30 of them are selected for the U/16 Girls Aussie Squad. And A was one of them!!!!

What this means is that she has various training camps to attend, even more rigorous trainings and health and fitness awareness. She has to compete in various tournaments to represent Australia and even play in one International tournament against other participating countries. Oooh, it’s so exciting!