Time for some Linky Love…some interesting posts I’ve found throughout my web wanderings.


You just have to check out Spunky’s post, Over the Hill Homeschooling. You’ll know you’ve become an over-the-hill homeschooling mom when….

  • You no longer read child training books, but gobble up everything on menopause.
  • You realize that the vendor who told you that his program was the ONLY spelling curriculum you’ll ever need, lied.
  • You talk about college choices more than curriculum choices.
  • You understand that you can have a very bad year and your children will never notice.

It’s funny and I found myself nodding along in agreement to almost every line!

Why Homeschool posted an entry titled Homeschool Fantasy vs. Reality.

Huber Hof Academy posted Whose Homeschool Life are you leading?

Amy Bayliss from In Pursuit of Proverbs has written a good 3 part series on Instilling a  love of reading. Part One, Part Two and Part Three.

Robin Sampson from Heart of Wisdom is wanting to give more stuff away in this post with a contest and some free downloads! Included is a must-read resource, which is a full chapter from her book. The chapter is Choosing and Using Homeschool Resources (31p PDF)Includes list of classics by grade level.

Robin has also posted an amazing entry about using digital scrapbooking for Nature Study. If you’re into nature study or CM’s methods, you will want to check this out!

Jeanne has a beautiful and excellent blog for those Aussies using good living books, CM’s methods or trying to Australianise Ambleside Online. Do check her blog out.

Need some writing prompts to help you teach writing to your children? Check out the WriteShop blog.


I found a great site called Intentional Parenting. They have a chart where, when I was truly honest with myself, I could see what type of parent I am and what type of parent I desire to be. The blurb for the site is: “Welcome to Intentional Parents, a Christian ministry that encourages parents to teach and train their children thoughtfully and deliberately to the glory of God.” This is a sister site of Simply Charlotte Mason.


Ever read Hinds Feet on High Places?  Here is a free study guide to go along with it. Not everyone agrees with the theology contained within this book, but it very well will help to lead you into a deper relationship with the Lord.


Dana, from Living Stones Ministry, doesn’t post all that often but when she does, her posts are usually full of wisdom. Here she has a guest post that writes about the method that Jesus used when dealing with stress.  😉